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Advantages of Using Computers

1.    Speed

         Speed is the main trait of a PC. The computer can perform billions of calculations in fraction of a second. For example; if a student’s is asked to calculate the following product.


                                          x 68935

The student will take few minutes to solve it, but a computer can solve millions of such problems in less than a second.

2.    Accuracy

          Computer is almost 100% accurate and it never makes mistakes. In the above example, there is a chance that the students can make errors while solving it but a computer never does so. Computer gives wrong results only when defective data or instructions are given.

3.    Diligence

           Other than being quick, a PC can get things done again and again. It never gets tired or bored. If we have to write a letter 100 times we will get tried. A computer can write the letter even a million times but never gets tired or bored.

4.    Storage

           PCs have huge capacity limit. A large building is required to store thousands of books. However, a PC can without much of a stretch store a large number of books in its memory.

5.    Versatility

   Versatility is the key benefit of using computers. A user can perform variety of tasks with a computer like drawing pictures, writing stories, watching movies, playing games.

Components of a Computer

              The computer has a variety of functions. Equipment and Software are the principle parts of a PC.

1.    Hardware

              Hardware refers to all parts of a computer that we see and touch. This includes input and output devices and system unit.

2.    Software

            It needs software too. Software is the set of instructions given to the computer to perform a specific task. For example, the games we play and the programs we run in computer i.e, Window XP, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Paint, etc are software. 

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Advantages of Using Computers
Advantages of Using Computers 

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